
Senin, 02 Maret 2015

Indonesian ghost part II

Hello guys welcome to my blog.And today i will post again about indonesian i hope you like my post....


 Ok i will begin with this ghost genduruwo....Genduruwo often described as a kind of jinn race or mythical creatures which take form of like man covered with thick hairs and the size of the titan.Yup elder in indonesian said genduruwo is very very high!!....And The myth said if someone smells aroma of roasted cassavas, there's a high chance that the Genderuwo presences are near. They usually could be found at the very deep part of the bamboo forest during night time. They also seem have very high interest toward women
there is case i dunno is real or not in the case genduruwo can change is form to someone husband and genduruwo.....will RAPE the wife!!.......What a pervert ghost....and genduruwo like to ML with if you have vacation in indonesia becerfull being raped by genduruwo....

Next is tuyul or toyol .Tuyul takes the form of a child and tuyul believed to come from the aborted fetuses or babies who died upon the birth.And tuyul can make his master or who own tuyul very very rich....cos tuyul are used for stealing money.And tuyul is have behavior like human child it like playing...and like milk from his master... YUP a woman milk.....Another pervert if someone want to pet tuyul they have goal to be rich.....and tuyul very like his master have a big tit ang using sexy pajamas without bra.......i see what you did there tuyul ...yup defienetly a pervert ghost........pervert..pervert pervert everywhere......

Leyak.....i very afraid with this ghost.....Leyak in indonesia people called it 'Leak' (le-ak)—the Y is not written or spoken) is a mythological figure in the form of flying head with entrails  still attached. Leyak is said to fly trying to find a pregnant woman in order to suck her baby's blood or a newborn child.yup this female ghost is FLYING HEAD!!.....not only newborn baby leak like animal blood.......

Ok bye guys i hope you enjoy it....and dont forget like my G+ and help me share it and join my blog bellow i hope you have nice day...:)

Brave Frontier Android games

 Hello all welcome to my blog today i will review a android online games for killing time and this game very exicing...Brave Frontier is a popular mobile (iOS, Android and Amazon) RPG under development by gumi And this game is rpg games download now at playstore and start your adventure and summon over 200 Heroes upgrade your hero fuse your hero then evolve it.For me this games very fun and exciting im already lvl52 with nickname Lexydran


Download now this games from your playstore now and star to collecting heroes.Ok bye guys pls like and share it and  i hope you have nice day :)

Minggu, 01 Maret 2015

Funny Animal

Hello people welcome back to LSL and im very like animal and when im browsing it
i found some cute and funny picture and i want to share it with you guys
and all picture i get it from google images

1.True story...

2.Hahaha ilove this dog :DD

3.I know how you feel cat....i have that friend to...

4.Noooooo what you done to my brother......

Ok bye guys iwill post again next time byee..and thanks to all site for
this picture and dont forget to like help me share it and join my blog
..I hope you have a nice day :)